About Me

Hello, and welcome to my about page. I am admittedly not the best at talking about myself, as I prefer to focus on things to do instead. Still, I am a member of many scientific communities with a focus on healthcare and biological functions, and in my spare time, I enjoy building and working with amateur satellite operations. In other words, science is my life.

This website was originally more focused on three specific areas: Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Abuse. The Southern New Mexico dev group that focused on these matters has a valiant goal, and to meet it they refocused their efforts away from the upkeep of this website. And so it fell into my hands.

Over time, my interests in writing changed away from short-form to longer, informative content. I asked if I could remake the site, and here we are now. In a time where the focus of the website has shifted dramatically. The subjects I cover are quite varied in comparison, and I am quite proud of my growth in such a short time. There is always more to do and learn, however, especially when it comes to health matters.


Still, I am a busy man, so I cannot be constantly posting content. Still, I have found I enjoy writing, and so will endeavor to keep this site up to date. Time will tell how that works out.

Why I Blog

This is a nuanced matter. There are a lot of health and science blogs out there, I will fully admit this. However, every single person entering the discussion brings a new angle to an event, an interpretation, etc. I hope that by entering the fray I can provide another angle that may not have been considered beforehand, another perspective, or even an entry point into matters people may have struggled with beforehand.

The point is, the more people talking about true scientific and health related matters, the more easily people can also choose to enter that conversation. This in turn should open the doors to people who may not have been interested or able to engage beforehand.